Mock an app's network requests with React Testing Library and Mirage

Once you're ready to centralize your Mirage server in order to share it between development and testing, follow these steps to use your shared server in your tests written with React Testing Library.

This guide is for people already using React Testing Library in their React apps.

Step 1: Install Mirage

First, make sure you've added Mirage to your project:

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev miragejs

# Using Yarn
yarn add --dev miragejs

Step 2: Define your server

A common place to define your shared server is src/server.js:

// src/server.js
import { createServer, Model } from "miragejs"

export function makeServer({ environment = "test" } = {}) {
  let server = createServer({

    models: {
      user: Model,

    seeds(server) {
      server.create("user", { name: "Bob" })
      server.create("user", { name: "Alice" })

    routes() {
      this.namespace = "api"

      this.get("/users", (schema) => {
        return schema.users.all()

  return server

In an app build with Create React App, make sure this file is under the src/ directory so that changes to it trigger rebuilds.

Step 3: Use your shared server in your tests

Import your makeServer function and start and shutdown your server using the beforeEach and afterEach functions. Then, use your tests to seed Mirage with data, or make other changes to put Mirage into the state you need:

// src/__tests__/App.test.js
import React from "react"
import { render, waitForElement } from "@testing-library/react"
import App from "../App"
import { makeServer } from "../server"

let server

beforeEach(() => {
  server = makeServer()

afterEach(() => {

it("shows the users from our server", async () => {
  server.create("user", { name: "Luke" })
  server.create("user", { name: "Leia" })

  const { getByTestId } = render(<App />)
  await waitForElement(() => getByTestId("user-1"))
  await waitForElement(() => getByTestId("user-2"))


Each test will get its own isolated Mirage server instance, and no state or server modifications you make will leak across tests.

Make sure your server gets instantiated with the test environment. (In the example makeServer function above, we default environment to test.)

You can now continue to write tests that have their own isolated instance of your Mirage server, allowing you to alter it exactly as needed on a per-test basis.

To learn more about testing, read the Application Testing guide.