Part 5 – Dynamic segments

If you hover a Reminder, you'll see an "X" icon pop up. If you click it you'll delete the Reminder – except if you look in the console you'll see an error:

Mirage: Your app tried to DELETE '/api/reminders/1, but there was no route defined to handle this request.

That's because we haven't mocked out this DELETE request. Let's do that now.

We'll need to use a dynamic segment in our URL, since the DELETE requests can go to /api/reminders/1, /api/reminders/2 and so on.

Add this new route handler to your server's routes():

this.delete("/api/reminders/:id", (schema, request) => {
  let id =

  return schema.reminders.find(id).destroy()

The colon : in /api/reminders/:id is how we denote a dynamic segment in our URL. We can access the runtime value of the segment via We then use schema to find the corresponding reminder, and then call destroy() on it to remove it from Mirage's database.

Reload your app and try deleting a reminder. You should see a 204 successful response, and if you navigate to About and back, the data that comes back from the new GET call to /api/reminders won't include your deleted reminder.


  • Use :segmentName to define a dynamic segment in the URL for a route handler
  • Access dynamic segments via request.params.segmentName
  • Use schema.* methods like destroy() to maintain data integrity