Customizing inflections

Mirage relies on an inflector for some of its conventions. An inflector is an object responsible for singularizing and pluralizing words.

For example, suppose you define a User model along with a GET shorthand:

  models: {
    user: Model,

  routes() {

Mirage uses its inflector to know that "users" is the plural of "user". So, it can automatically take your user model definition and create the schema.users.all() collection, as well as look at your /users/:id shorthand and know it needs to return a single user model instance.

Having consistent naming conventions allows Mirage to drastically reduce the boilerplate needed to wire up your mock server, but sometimes you'll find yourself needing to customize the inflection rules used in your domain.

For example, suppose you had a HeadOfState model in your application, and everywhere else in your system you treat the plural form of "head-of-state" as "heads-of-state".

If you just set up your server like this

  models: {
    headOfState: Model,

  routes() {

then Mirage wouldn't work as expected. That's because Mirage's inflector doesn't know about this special case. By default, it pluralizes "head-of-state" to "head-of-states".

You can see this by calling the server.inflector.pluralize method:

let server = createServer({
  models: {
    headOfState: Model,

server.inflector.pluralize("head-of-state") // head-of-states

To fix this, you need to add your own custom inflection rules. Mirage uses the inflected package for its inflections, which you can customize like this:

import { inflections } from "inflected"
import { createServer, Model } from "miragejs"

inflections("en", function (inflect) {
  inflect.irregular("head-of-state", "heads-of-state")

  headOfState: Model,

  routes() {

Make sure you run your inflections customization code before you new up your Mirage server.

Verify your pluralization rules took effect:

server.inflector.pluralize("head-of-state") // heads-of-state

and now, all of Mirage's shorthands and ORM conventions should work as you expect.

The Inflected package lets you customize plural, singular, irregular and uncountable words:

inflections('en', function(inflect) {
  inflect.plural(/^(ox)$/i, '$1$2en');
  inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '$1');

  inflect.irregular('octopus', 'octopi');

  inflect.uncountable('equipment', 'snow');

Check out the docs on customizing inflections if you need more information.

You can also use a different library entirely or use your own implementation of an inflector by passing a pluralize and singularize method into your Mirage server as an inflector config option:

  inflector: {